Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thursday a.m.

It was a beautiful morning. The winds were light & variable, so there were balloons launching from all over. The first couple balloons that launched from the NW made it to the field, but then the winds changed. Mark was one of the first to launch east of the field & we said "What is he doing", but guess he knows better than us ground-bound gawkers! He, Brad & Ralph made it to the field & scored on that target. Haven't heard about Ralph & Brad, but Mark scored very well (within 2 feet)at the next target at the middle school. Shortly after, several launched from SE of the field - but most of them missed it to the south. Then more launched from east of the field & most of those made the target. So there may be some mixing up of the top 20 after this morning's flight - Mark was 8th before this flight, hopefully he moved up after this a.m.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sunday morning - first competition flight

Sunday morning was beautiful! We launched SW of Indianola. There were targets at Downey Park (south of Indianola), the middle school baseball fields & NBC field or a yard to the east. Max got the first target, Mark got all 3. Mark is currently in 14th place. Brad Temeyer is assistant weathermeister.

Saturday evening - Mass Ascension

Saturday evening - the Cluster balloon piloted by John Ninomiya from California launched first - that was cool to see. Then when the winds died down, all launched from the NBC field for a mass ascension. I love those - it's such a rush to launch from there - we used to dream of that when we were spectators. The crowd was HUGE - parking lot nearly full.

We landed out north of Milo. Chris & Sam (our volunteer crewperson) had to help a balloon deflate on the road before we could get into the field to get Max. One pilot in the same field had flown away with his keys. Rural Relations retrieved his balloon & took him back to the field! Mark landed just north of us.